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Breath of Love Ministries International

P.O.Box 1566, • Los Alamitos, CA 90720 • United States • 562-594-1167/see/charmin/CM02422

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A Living Jesus......In You!

"You are My hands and My feet.....
But I want you to first use My see where you need to go. To see, through My eyes, what I am looking at.
See the lost...see the hurting...see the sick.
See the places that need a physician. See the children...See through My eyes...
See My heart for the lost ...for My children....for those held captive, and then "go and do" ... use My feet...use My hands and do the works which I have prepared from the foundation of the world. Use My voice to speak to their hearts.
Be the the world a living Jesus... Because I Live in you!!!"

These words were spoken to me early in the year while in prayer.
Our church has these words on the wall of the sanctuary " Bringing A Living Jesus To A Dying World " it is how we are to fulfill the vision God has given our pastor.
We sing a song that proclaims we are His hands, feet and voice speaking to all the nations.On that morning the Lord asked me to use His eyes....

I was reminded of the moment Jesus had His disciples look through His eyes... to a people scattered like sheep, lost and in need of a shepherd.
Matt 9:35 And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were faint and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
37 Then said He unto His disciples, "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest."

To go and see.....

Breath of Love Ministries is committed to go and see where God's children are in need of Him and tell others about the world around them that needs the Life and Love of God expressed and manifested. And bring the answer of a loving Savior.
This world needs to see Jesus....a Jesus that cares...that teaches, preaches and heals ALL kinds of diseases. The Savior that they read about in the Bible is the Jesus that we must bring them.
A Jesus that will speak to the storms of life...and pronounce Peace.

Mk 4:35 And that same day, when the evening had come, He said unto them, "Let us pass over unto the other side."
36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took Him even as He was in the boat; and there were also with Him other little boats.
37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was now full.
38 But He was in the hind part of the boat, asleep on a pillow; and they awoke Him and said unto Him, "Master, carest thou not that we perish?"
39 And He arose, and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, "Peace, be still." And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
40 And He said unto them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?"
41 And they feared exceedingly and said one to another, "What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?"

Is this the Jesus that you have believed in?

Are you in awe of Him as He reveals Himself to you in your everyday life?
Are you finding out that your faith isn't as strong as you thought it was?,
Perhaps the storm came to test the faith of the disciples, after all, they had been with Jesus and seen marvelous things.
Has Jesus done some great things in your life? Will He continue to do the same? Perhaps the forces of hell knew who was on the boat headed toward them. The demons knew that they would be evicted from the man they were terrorizing and they tried to stop Him by troubling the waters around them. They tried to get them to change the course that Jesus set them on.
Are you questioning your decision to follow after Jesus?
Whatever the case, does it not cause you to think about your reaction in the middle of the latest "storm". How are you handling the latest "crisis" that has come against you?
The disciples should have been at rest with the Master. Instead they were looking at the waves as they got larger and the wind as it got stronger and the boat just kept rocking.
They finally remembered... Jesus was with them!
If you are in that position remember, if you are a believer in the Son of God, JESUS IS WITH YOU !
Do you think Jesus would have rebuked them for their lack of faith without reason? Can we learn the lesson and let it sink deep into our spirits....Jesus Christ is in us!
Say With Me.... Jesus Christ has told me to "go over to the other side" with Him!
Jesus is with me in every work I do for Him and no devil is going to get me to change course or be afraid BECAUSE...IF GOD IS FOR ME, WHO CAN BE AGAINST ME?

Amen. Believe it!
As believers, we are to be different than those around us who don't know Christ.
It's different...let the Life of God ....the Love of God....Shine through you.
Then the world will truly see a "Living Jesus" you and with you.

Today. ...if you are wondering if you can know this Jesus who offers forgiveness and saves from the penalty of sin,
heals from diseases,fills you with His Spirit of Love and Truth and will soon return to judge us all...ASK HIM TO SAVE YOU!

If you are at the end of yourself and are ready to accept what God in His Goodness has given... tell Him so!

Say from your heart...Merciful God , I have been living my life on my own, I know I am separated from You by my sins and I need to receive the Grace offered through your Son Jesus.
I believe He was born of a virgin,died and rose from the dead.
I believe in your love for me and that Jesus Christ restores me to relationship with you.
I now can call you Father! I now rely on YOU to help me to live the life you have called me to.
Thank you Heavenly Father. AMEN!

Welcome to the Family of God.

Breath of Love Ministries International
Rev.Caesar & Debbie Ortiz
P.O. Box 1566
Los Alamitos , Ca. 90720
Tel/Fax 562-594-1167

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Breath of Love Ministries Int'l

Are You Hungry For More?

Matt 5:6 Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness! For they will be filled.

In Babadag, Romania,a village north of Constanta, is a missionary doing all he can for the gypsy inhabitants. He has been forced out of his apartment and the house he was using for meetings because of what he does. He preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is making an impact on this community. It is obvious when you see the reaction of the people when he shows up. " Danny, Danny..." they call out as they run up to say hello. Dan Hadarean is hungry for more of what God has for him in spite of the many setbacks he has had.

Medgidia, the poorest area I have seen in Romania, there is another man with dreams and a vision for his community. Pastor Vasilica Croitor is a 24 year old man who has been given a burden for his people and is doing all he can to help.
When I first showed him the Curriculum he asked " When can we get this? "
I was amazed to find out that out of his congretation of fifty, ten are busy eveangelizing their area and planting churches.
These are the kind of people Breath of Love Ministries is looking for. He is building five house for some poor families and they will be trained to evangelize their area where there are no other believers.

Dan Mercado and the children at Casa Charis were very excited to see theteam and they showed it. When the train pulled in to the station, they were there to greet us along with the teens. Their smiling faces told the whole story. The members of the team were overwhelmed by the hunger for love these children have.

Breath of Love Ministries International

Rev.Caesar & Debbie Ortiz

P.O. Box 1566

Los Alamitos , Ca. 90720

Tel/Fax 562-594-1167
For more information contact:

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