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International Evangelistic Ministry

, • Gainesville, GA 30504 • United States • Ph. (770) 532-3868

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Biography and Information


New Bestseller books of the year 2024

Author:  Dr. Daniel Kazemian, Th.D.

"Wisely Decisions in Christ"

"Standing on the Word of God"

"Preaching with Fire"

"Parables of Jesus"

"Healing Miracles of Jesus"

"Authority in the Bible"

"Manifestation of Prayer"

"Encouraging Stories in the Bible"

* This is all about reading the most inspiring and encouraging Christian book & eBook of the year 2024

* Shop for your new book at any Christian bookstore, on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Aplple ibooks, Tolino, 24 symbols, Playster, OverDrive, Bibliotheca, GooglePlay Books, and Baker & Taylor, Kindle ...




Jesus is Lord, He is alive, HE IS COMING SOON.


International Evangelistic Ministry;

     is a non-denominational, non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the Good News. This ministry reaches local, national and international communities. 

     We help the pastor to equip and train his congregation in evangelism to the purpose of providing training and materials based on salvation by grace through faith.

     IEM's purpose is to equip men and women to train and disciple others to fullfill the great commission set forth by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is our belief that Jesus commanded us to continue in the same manner as His disciples of teaching and preaching the full and true Word of God.

      Our Mission Statement... Our mission is to reach out the lost and to work through the church, to equip the saints of God for the Great Commission and to encourage, to challenge all leaders.

       Our Purpose... We will preach the full Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is our desire and commitment to the Lord to help your church in your evangelism training and reaching out to your city, community for Christ.

       For weekly study and training, learning to witness with direction, yet adapting to your own personality. We will encourage every church to become a great commission church. We must build Christ's church in our communities, cities, country and in our world.

"How shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feel of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Rom 10:15.


         Dr. Daniel Kazemian, Th.D. (he is a citizen of Denmark-Europe, he attended a Bible College to pursue theological studies; He graduated in May 1993 from National Bible College in Maryland-USA. 

         He continued studing Theology and received his degree 'Bachelor, Mastor and Doctoral' in July 1996 from International Theological Seminary in Plymouth, FL-USA). 

         He is ready to help your church and city together by the power of Holy Spirit. Help is offered through open-air meetings, street evangelism, crusades and indoor or outdoor revival meetings in your town.
         He is an evangelist, teacher, radio/TV producer, crusade-speaker of local and international conferences.

  • Special skills: Preaching the Word of God, basic training the Bible, New and Old Testament. Teaching: Christian theology and Biblical history, Christian counseling, "teacher for trainging outreach and church planting with boldness and confidence." 20 years experience in the ministry. He is an anointed Evangelist, pastor, teacher, preacher, Intercessor.

        Rev. Daniel Kazemian is ordained as a minister of the Gospel by the leadership of Dr. T.L. Lowery at National Church of God on June 6, 1993 in Washington D.C.  

       He is a licensed minister from International Ministerial Association in 1996 in Plymouth, Florida-USA.

       Daniel has 25 years experience of being a writer, journalist and reporter. He has experienced in many years ministry as a radio in English on a Christian Radio Station.

  • Make a change in your personal life, family and church this year 2024. Arrange for Daniel to come and bring the Good News to your community.

  • Gainesville,  GA   30504   

  • Call for prayer request:  Ph. 770-532-3868 (O)       Or please leave your prayer request in our e-mail...

  • E-mail:

Statements of Faith

- that there is only one true God, who has revealed himself as our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- in the Divine inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim 3:16).
- that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, and born of virgin Mary. Jesus was crucified, buried and raised from dead. He ascended to heaven and is at the right hand of the Father as the intercessor.
- in the salvation of sinners by Grace, through repentance and faith in the Son of God, Lord Jesus, to receive forgiveness of sins.
- that justification, sanctification, and the new birth by faith in the blood of Christ through the Word and the Holy Spirit.
- In the baptism with the Holy Spirit, to receive the power of Holy Spirit to become witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8).
- in water baptism by immersion and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:19).
- in the table of the Lord, commonly called the communion (1 Cor 11:28-32).
- In the healing of the body by Divine power of the Holy Spirit is provided for all. (Acts 4:3, Rom 8:11).
- eternal life for the righteous and eternal punishment for the wicked.
- the second coming of Jesus, first, to resurrect the righteous dead and to get the living saints to him in the air. Second, to reign on the earth a thousand years.

Bienvenido al Ministerio Internacional Evangelístico

Jesús es el Señor, El esta vivo, El viene pronto.

Ministerio Internacional Evangelísticoen europa

El Minsiterio Internacional Evangelístico es una organización no denominacional y sin ánimo de lucro comprometida con el propósito de proveer entrenamiento y material basados en la salvación por gracia a través de la fé. Este es un inisterio no denominacional que llega a comunidades locales, nacionales y al extranjero, ayudando al Pastor a equipar y entrenar a su congregación, enseñando y entrenando a miembros en la iglesia.

El Dr. Daniel Kazemian, Th.D. está listo para ayudar a su Iglesia y a su ciudad por el poder del espíritu Santo a realizar conjuntamente: Reuniones a campo abierto, Evangelismo en las calles, Campañas y reuniones de reavivamiento en locales, en exteriores, o en su Pueblo.

El Daniel es un Evangelista y aestro, Evangelista radial, Evangelista de Cruzadas locales e Internacionales, reuniones de reavivamiento; Seminarios en Europa y en el Exterior.

ESPECIALIDAD EN: Predicación de la Palabra de Dios, Enseñanza básica de la Biblia tanto del Antiguo como del nuevo Testamento, Enseñanzas de Teología Cristiana e Historia Bíblica, Consejería Cristiana, "aestro para enseñar a alcanzar personas para Cristo y para sembrar Iglesias con denuedo y confianza". Diez años de experiencia en el inisterio. El Daniel es: un Ungido Evangelista, Pastor, aestro, Predicador e Intercesor.

El Rev. Daniel Kazemian es un inistro ordenado del Evangelio, y ha recibido una "Licenciatura inisterial" de la "Asociación inisterial Internacional" en Plymouth, Florida-USA.
Creemos que...

- Hay un solo Dios verdadero que se ha revelado a sí mismo como nuestro Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. 
- en la inspiración Divina de la Biblia (2 Tim. 3:16). 
- ue Jesucristo es el único Hijo de Dios el Padre, y nacido de la Virgen aría. Jesús fue crucificado, sepultado y resucitó de entre los muertos. Subió a los cielos y está sentado a la diestra del Padre como el Intercesor. 
- en la Salvación de los pecadores por la Gracia, a través del arrepentimiento y la Fé en el Hijo de Dios; el Señor Jesús, para recibir perdón de pecados. 
- en la Justificación, Santificación y el nuevo nacimiento por fé en la sangre de Cristo a través de la Palabra y del Espíritu Santo 
- en el bautismo del espíritu Santo, para ser testigo de Cristo (Hechos 1:8). 
- En el bautismo en agua por inmersión y que todos los que se arrepienten deberán ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo at.28:19. 
- en la cena del Señor comúnmente conocida como Comunión (1 Cor.11:28-32) 
- en la sanidad del cuerpo por el Divino Poder del espíritu Santo provista para todas las personas (Hechos 4:3, Rom.8:11) 
- Vida eterna para los justos y castigo eterno para los malvados 
- Vida eterna para los justos y castigo eterno para los malvados 
- en la segunda venida de Jesús, Primero: para resucitar a los muertos en El y atraer a los Santos que viven a los aires, juntamente con El. Segundo: a reinar sobre la tierra mil años.

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