The Vision Statement for THE ROCK Student Ministries is:
A fearless generation of students uniquely committed to letting God ROCK...
Their Life
Their Friends
Their Church
Their Community and Beyond!
The purpose statement for THE ROCK Student Ministries is:
Unveiling the mystery of Christ to the students of Fairfield County equipping then to be agents of life-change!
The Big 3!
We hold all students and leaders to these three guidelines:
Respect God!
Respect Others!
Respect Yourself!
Find out who Jesus really was (The Jesus Film)
Hear the story of Jesus dramatized
Read a Bible verse and thought for the day
Have you heard of the four spiritual laws?
Want to live a spirit-filled life?
Looking to grow in your faith?
Want to create a web site to share your faith?
Other Languages:
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Student Ministries:
Sunday School - for both High School and Middle School is during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday hour in the Annex of Black Rock Church.
Cell Groups - is our exciting new High School Ministry starting Tuesday nights from January. Cell groups are student led, regional small groups, God-focused, exciting & coming soon to an area near you!!
Middle School - Our Jr. High/Middle School program meets every Wednesday night from 7-8:30 p.m. in Woodruff Hall. It is a great night filled with contagious spontaneous fun and challenge from God's Word!
Parents Ministry - For our parents we have an exciting class for you on Sunday mornings during the 9:30 a.m. hour in the Annex. "Paraklesis" is designed for you by parents who are going through the same issues you are. Don't miss this weekly chance for challenge & support.
Focus: Twice a month our entire student ministries come together to worship on a Sunday night. Our focus is on experiencing God together. This was started with our "Barn Ministry" this past summer and continues in various settings and venus. The location may change so keep an eye on the calendar!
TEEM - This is our student leadership core. These students help lead our CELL groups & Middle School programs weekly. To be part of TEEM a student must display a committment to Christ, to others, and to himself. They must also be affirmedand recommended by our Youth Staff.
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." I Timothy 4:12
Student Outreach - Student Outreaches are designed to reach out to the students of Fairfield County with the mystery of Christ. There are events planned monthly, like ski trips, concerts, college road trips, High Adventure, Mission Impossible, sport events, Cornerstone, service projects, lockins, Martha's Vineyard, Destination Unknowns and just about anything exciting that you can think of!
Each year is hold on and be prepared for anything!
Student Ministries Hotline : (203) 255-3401
For up-to-date information on details, cancellations, or other important stuff, dial the main number, then the extention you need:
Middle School: "DIG" 344
High School: "HOT" 468
Student Outreach: "FUN" 386
Parents Info: "HOM" 466
Tim Popadic 110
-Director of Student Ministries - Email -
Mark Popadic 117
-Director of Student Outreach - Email -
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