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Ministry for the Nations

PO Box 272, • Muang, Chiangmai 50000 • Thailand • 6653-436272/see/charmin/CM01297

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Training Center

Vision for 1998

New Outreach!

Breaking News!

A Vision For The Lost

Ministry for the nations exists to reachout to unreached souls in Thailand and neighbouring nations. As "Church of the nations" has been started in the city of Chiangmai since 1993, we feel burdened to continue our outreach to lost souls by all means available.

Houses of Prayer

Church of the nations will be restructured as house-church system to provide an admostphere of love and care for the spiritual equiping of each member, and a "house of prayer" in which each member's needs can be met by the faithfullness of God through a "praying and answering" system. Once the church becomes a "house of prayer" for the church members it then becomes a "house of prayer for many nations" (Isa. 56.7). Thus, their neighbours' needs, physically and spiritually, are met. Through the emphasis on prayer we believe to see the manifestation of God's power, a convincing power, among our church members and their neighbours.

Local Outreach

We plan to start house-churches in two or three other districts of Chiangmai begining with San Kampaeng district in January 1998. As for other districts like Chiangdao, Mae Taeng, and Chomtong, where we already have started some kind of ministries, by God's grace we want to strengthen these little groups of believers and seek ways to help them be established as local churches.

Outreach to Burma

Through our connection in Burma, we have found that people there are in great spiritual needs. Some Wa believers in Wa State, Burma (locating at the Burmese-Chinese border) have contacted us for help, e.g. leadership seminar, financial support for evangelists to reach out to their own people. (There are approximately one million Wa's in this area). As the living expenses in this part of the world are not so expensive, we plan to raise fund locally from within our church and some other spiritual partners to help them in any way we can. A rough plan for leadership seminar is projected in early March 1998. And by God's grace, we plan to start at least three churches in Wa State within 1998.

Ministry for the Nations Training Center

The "Ministry for the nations training centre" organized 1997 will be continue as a training base for new workers before they go out to bless the nations with the good news of salvation. About 15 people have enrolled in this 1998 course of training. The fisrt subject will be commenced on March 9th.

Sending Forth Laborers into the Harvest


One of our graduates from the first intake of 1997 was from Shan State, Burma. He and his family plan to go back there as our missionaries to reach their own people in the later part of 1998. Besides the spiritual support, we hope to be able to help them with some basic financial support.

Amongst the Karen

Many rural churches along the border of Thailand are in needs for revival. One of our fulltime workers who is a Karen feels burdened to minister the word of God to Karen churches in these areas as an itinerant minister. We want to support his vision and see the calling in his life being fulfilled.

Amongst the Refugees

In November 1997 as we visited some of the refugee camps in Maesot, Tak Province, the fire of God has started to come upon the believers. Some non-Christians Karen/Burmese came to witness and wanted to 'try' God. They fell under the power of the Holy Spirit and came back the following day to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Some of the local workers have taken the message and the power and started to share them among Karens in other traditional churches in another province. They came back testifying that revivals happening everywhere they went accompanying with signs and wonders.

We have planned another leadership seminar in Tak in June 1998 to strengthen up these people for the works of the Lord.

Our Vision for 1998

  • To start 10 house-churches in the city of Chiangmai and become a church of 100 within the year 1998.
  • To start at least 3 house-churches in other districts of Chiangmai.
  • To plant at least 3 churches in Wa State, Burma, in the year 1998.
  • To train and equip 20 new workers on a fulltime basis for the future ministries.
  • To support the visions of our fulltime workers so that they can be blessings to many nations according to each person's calling.
  • To conduct at least 3 leadership seminars to train and bless church leaders both in Thailand and Burma.

Breaking News!! Please Pray!!

Riots have arisen along the Thai-Burmese border, Maesot, Tak Province. As you may have heard from the news, some Burmese soldiers have come and burnt houses in villages near the border, as well as some refugee camps.

Suchart(Somchai) Noitoo, one of our co-workers in Maesot, reported that some of our brethren in one of the refugee camps (about 8Kms from Maesot) were attacked. A pastor was injured from a hand grenade. Others were homeless as the Buddhist Karens and Burmese army burnt them. They now are so scared and in need of food, medicine, and clothes.

At the present the Thai army has taken control over the site; Some NGO's have also started to send relief to these victims of the attack. However, as over one thousand homes of refugees and villagers have suffered, their needs are still yet to be met; especially, among our Christian brothers and sisters.

Please pray for the divine protection. Please also pray for their physical needs: sleeping mats or mattresses (most houses were burnt), food, clothes, etc. If the Lord so leads you may send aid through Ministry for the Nations, designated for Refugee Project.

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