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Broken Walls Ministries

RR#1, Bayshore Rd. • Tyendinaga Territory, ON K0K-1X0 • Canada • 613-396-1954/see/charmin/CM01077

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Broken Walls (Our Vision)

Birthed on a Native Territory in Ontario, Canada in 1995 after a vision came at Sacred Assembly in Hull, Quebec. Broken Walls has a vision to bring Unity to the family, the church, the country and the world. To go behind walls that have been built and destroy them from the inside...with the awesome love & power of Jesus. Through prayer praise, the Word and our testimony. To stir up, equip and launch people into battle against the enemy through Intercessory prayer, Warfare Praise and a hunger for the Word.

Newsletter Winter 97

<>< <>< <>< <>< Newsletter Introduction... As leader and visionary of Broken Walls, I welcome you to our second issue of The Warriors' Cry. This is a current report of the musical adventures of the Broken Walls War Party. We welcome your support, input and prayers. We are very excited to be a part of the move of God, and we look forward to sharing the Power of His Love wherever we go! If you are interested in having Broken Walls in your area and want more information, give us a call and we'll make a plan. Jonathan OUR VISION... <>< To bring Unity to the family, the church, the country and the world. To go behind walls that have been built and destroy them from the inside... with the awesome love & power of Jesus through prayer, praise, the word and our testimony. To stir up, equip and launch people into battle against the enemy through Intercessory prayer, Warfare Praise and a hunger for the Word. PRAISE REPORTS... ><> ><> On Oct. 18/97 Broken Walls played at the Spirit Alive Victory Banquet, a celebration of the opening of their new international facility, located on Tyendinaga Territory. The support for this event was mighty and I considered it an honor to play before a group of people with such a heart to reach out to my native people. ><> ><> AN ELDERS SONG <><> CHAINS BROKEN ><> The angels in heaven rejoiced as a young man came to know the Lord. When he attended one of our War Parties (prayer sessions) he heard chains hitting the floor as he was being prayed for! We had many people say they were very encouraged to stand firm in the Lord. ><> ><> PROPHETIC WORD ><>On Sunday we were in Port Huron at the Life of Faith Center where we ministered a couple of songs to a full house. The anointing was powerful as I spoke about the walls between native and non native people. At the end of the service Pastor Mickey Heinz gave a prophetic word that Broken Walls was a genuine ministry called of God, and doors that were once closed would be open and finances would now begin to flow. He then followed this up with taking an offering (from the heart) that helped us in many ways to prepare for what lies ahead. <>< <>< CFCM CONFERENCE ><>On Oct.28/97 I was invited to present the vision of Broken Walls to the Canadian Fellowship of Christian Ministries conference in Toronto at Covenant Christian Church. I believe this was another strategic placement of God as new relationships were birthed and old ones renewed. ><> ><>I met someone who said "Do you need a drummer?" (We had been in faith for God to bring the right person to Broken Walls for over three months.) Well she said she had just the right person for us and gave me his number. Not wanting to push God, I waited for him to call me, and he did. His name is John Kosti from Windsor Christian Fellowship. We rehearsed for a couple of weeks, and played our first date at my church (Desert Stream, in Belleville) John is a great drummer, but most of all he is a man of faith with a true relationship with the Lord. John, will be moving to Tyendinaga to join Broken Walls accompanied by his wife Colleen, and his two daughters Keitha and Christi in December 97. It is indeed exciting times as God is fulfilling His prophetic word and Vision! ><> ><> Did You Know?... ><> Did you know that over 50% of all Native Canadians are under 25 years old? God has given Broken Walls a special desire to reach young people with the Love of Jesus. If we can turn our young toward Christ we can change the nation! See The Vision Keep The Faith Broken Walls Up Coming Dates Jan 9 Chippewa's of Sarnia Sarnia, ON Jan 11 & 12 Life of Faith Fellowship Port Huron, Michigan Jan. 16 &17 To Be Announced Jan. 19 Canaan Korean Church Toronto, ON Jan. 23, 24 & 25 Mistissini Youth Conference Mistissini, PQ Jan 30, 31 & Feb 1 Victorious Nations Center Thunderbay ON Feb 4-8 To Be Announced Winnipeg Manitoba If you wish to support this ministry with prayer or finances it would be much appreciated. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 613-396-1954 Once again the call to the Prayer Warrior was given and we had a good group show for battle at the United Church on the Sarnia territory. These people are also determined to take back what the enemy has stolen and are learning the power of unified prayer! Each place where Broken Walls establishes a War Party we put them in contact with our other prayer warriors in Canada so we can even be more effective in waging war on the enemy. We will eventually be like an umbrella covering the land from territory to territory as the light of our unified prayer breaks the hold of the enemy. When ever we go in to a territory we first establish our war party and then stake our claim in the spiritual relm, and go to battle for the lives of the people. ><> ><> If you would like to be a part of establishing a Broken Walls War Party, contact us! Let's show the world the Power of Unified Prayer. Merchandise... ><> We have a selection of items for sale, that truly helps us to go from one place to the next. If you desire any of the following items please contact us. Cassettes 12.00 -You Shall Receive Power -Be A Winner -Broken Walls CD's 20.00 -Broken Walls Tee Shirts -Broken Walls 25.00 -Be a Winner 15.00 Posters -Jonathan & Linda 2.00 A Note of Thanks... <>< We would like to thank all the wonderful people who gave of themselves and their homes openly showing the love of Jesus, as we toured. They are a big part in our ability to complete what God had called us to. Again, thank you for your sacrifice, We hope to be with you again soon. With Voices Raised...Grace! Jonathan & Linda Mark, John, Rob & Shannon. Vol #2 Winter 97 A Newsletter from Broken Walls Ministries To contact us write: Broken Walls c/o Jonathan Maracle RR#1 Tyendinaga Territory, ON K0K-1X0 Ph./Fax 613-396-1954 E-Mail

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