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House of Prayer, A Handicapped Children's Ministr

7236 State Rd. 52 Suite # 3, • Hudson, FL 34667 • United States • 813 868-2381/see/charmin/CM01054

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A Ministry of Miracles

House of Prayer ministers to handicapped children and their families and friends. Ministering the Word of God for salvation, divine healing and deliverance to meet your specific needs, all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It is written: "Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of all the unfourtunate, open your mouth, judge righteously and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy." House of Prayer believes that divine healing comes from the power of God's Holy Spirit, and is available to heal all the sick, and all the afflicted through the believer's prayer of Faith and the Word of God spoken in the name of Jesus Christ. Handicapped children have been a lost mission field, but these fields are white abd ready for harvest. Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle, therefore the children will be healed here on earth, before He returns. Glory to God ! Scripture declares, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is no special provision for children either in wheelchairs or with severe medical conditions, It's not in the bible.They have to receive Jesus just like anyone else. However it's been my expierence that these children receive Jesus quite readily because we are not teaching a perhaps medically dignosed untrainable child, we are teaching their spirit which accepts the word of God with great enthusiasiam. Our God is a healing God,His glory is manifested when the full healing manifests. Please feel free to contact us for miracle testiminials. We have seen blind eyes healed deaf ears unstopped,and children live who were given up on and much more.

Ministry Provisions

House of Prayer holds teaching seminars, camp meetings and miracle services any where in the US. We provide audio and video tapes for the parents and the children. Children's audio tapes are gearred toward salvation and deliverance. Please send for our free audio tape entitled "Im The Beginning, From Creation To Salvation", # 796 for your handicapped child. We have a telephone ministry ,you can reach us at 813 868-2381. We offer support and information exchange for parents and caretakes. If you have a ned for special aaptive equipment, we can help. We also work with moms who are currently pregnant and the unborn child has been dignosed with severe anomilies in uturea. Don't give up, there is hope in Jesus name. Locally we have a sunday school for handicapped children. From mild to severe conditions are accepted If you have a miracle testimony please share it with hose of prayer. if you would like to receive our quarterly newsletter, please let us know, we willbe happy to put you on our mailing lists. If you have a special prayer request or if you would like to learnmore about what the word og God has to say about our children, or if you would like to help with specific deliverance , you can call us, write to us or e-mail us. All services are free of charge. Audios are free. House of Prayer accepts love offerings. Remember, all things are possible to him that believes,Do not be afraid, only believe. God bless you all.

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