Ever hear someone say, "And then God said to me..." ? Well, I used to say, "Yea, what's His voice sound like?" Ever been that skeptical? I used to make everyone around me laugh when I said, "Yea, Yea, St, Peter, I'll get around to seeing Jesus, but first I want to know why..., why...., why...?" Well, one day a dear friend said quietly in my ear, "How dare you have the audacity to ask God why." I repented. Then, months later, I was leaving the church office (where I had loved being secretary) to return to the big city lawfirm. I needed to support my family as my husband decided to go back to school. I cried my heart out before God, and once again found myself asking, "Why?". This time He answered me. God brought back to my mind things I had forgotten. He showed me scenes from my abusive childhood; I remembered the pain of my first husband cheating on me and leaving me for another woman. I recalled the grief of four miscarriages and the hardships my husband and I endured during the first few years of our marriage. I cried out, "No God, you do not have to show me 'why?'. Let me prove to You that I trust You; You had a purpose. I know this and I do not need to understand why!" But, God quietly spoke to my heart. He said, "I will tell you why I have allowed all I have allowed in your life. There is nothing a woman can lay down before you that would shock or amaze you. I am going to use you with My women." He has been faithful to that call. God has continued for several years to bring me women, usually one-on-one, usually hurting. As their stories most often end in, "...you wouldn't understand, you never had/did ..." and I can answer, "Yes, I too..." the bond is made between us and God has often worked His healing. I simply make myself available. Sometimes God uses my arms to hold and these ears and eyes to make contact and show His care. I am the vessel and He fills it up and pours out His oil on "His women" today! Remember, "There, but for the Grace of God goes me..." [I have a talk entitled just that!] When a friend told me about this page (and she is on a website), I felt God was saying, "sign up"... can He use me here? If so, I am available. If the Lord has directed you, if you need a prayer partner, please email me and I can pray with you! In His Service, Jill
I have been a born again believer for over 11 years. I have been married for 17+ years and we have two wonderful sons; 11 and 12 1/2 years old. We are currently seeking out the mission field. We feel called to go forward in this kind of service as a family. My husband is a wonderful help mate, and servant of the Lord. He is a Trustee and Adult Sunday School Teacher and VP of Missions at our church. I am the president of Missions at our Church and the Board Secretary. Both my husband and I are past Sunday School Teachers. (Both adult and children.) I am a certified "Precept Upon Precept" [Kay Arthur Ministries] Bible Study Teacher. I am currently leading a woman's Bible Study near my home. I have written a small booklet of poems - all reflecting my walk, as a woman today, with Jesus Christ; poems about my miscarriages; poems about giving my children back to God! I have written a personal reflection about who the Holy Spirit is; my friend. I have organized, and spoken at Ladies' Retreats. Most of all, I serve my Master, The Lord, Jesus Christ; I am just available.
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