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Radio Z - Capital District Youth for Christ

1098 Parkwood Blvd., • Schenectady, NY 12308 • United States • 518-370-1414/see/charmin/CM00866

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What is Radio Z?

Radio Z is found at 97.3 FM and 94.7 FM, every Monday through Friday 
from 2 - 5 PM.

Radio Z is a ministry branch of Capital District Youth for Christ.

Radio Z features Ron Hutchcraft's "Alive" program Thursday's from 4-5 PM.

Radio Z also runs the "Mad Phat Fifteen" countdown every first and third
Friday from 4-5 PM.  You can send in your top 5 songs to be plugged
into the Mad Phat Fifteen by E-mail or US Mail.


Here's just some of the music you'll hear on Radio Z:
Audio Adrenaline             Dogs of Peace           LaMore
All Star United              Dryve                   Grover Levy
Age of Faith                 Five Iron Frenzy        Geoff Moore & The Distance
Aleixa                       Gina                    Newsboys
Carolyn Arends               GRITS                   Nitro Praise
Blackball                    Grammatrain             Out of Eden
Bleach                       Guardian                Petra
Between Thieves              Hokus Pick              PFR
Believable Picnic            Holy Soldier            Phantasmic 
Eric Champion                Innocence Mission       Poor Old Lu
Steven Curtis Chapman        Insyderz                Johnny Q. Public      
Code of Ethics               Sarah Jahn              Rocketboy
Considering Lily             Jars of Clay            John Schlitt
Dakoda Motor Co.             Kosmos Express          Skillet
DC Talk                      The Kry                 Smalltown Poets

Rebecca St. James
Fold Zandura
World Wide Message Tribe

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