Operation Italy Christian Mission, Inc., is a Spirit filled, non-denominational, missionary organization, incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on November 1984, and it is exempt from income taxes under the revenue laws of the United States of America. Abel Aureli is the president and founder of the organization, and with his wife Anna, and their two younger children, Joy-Rachel and Joshua, they are personally on the mission field.
ABOUT US: Abel earned a Diploma in Ministerial studies and a Certification in Missionary Principles with the Berean School Of The Bible (Assemblies of God) and desired to come to the Italian mission field through the Assemblies of God. Unfortunately, that was not possible, so he decided to sell his house in Medford Massachusetts and leave for the mission field as an independent minister. Although independent and non-denominational, the main beliefs of Abel and his ministry are those of most other "Spirit Filled", "Full Gospel", or "Charismatic", of Evangelical background, which are very well known around the world. The association has also decided to have fellowship and communion with all those churches and individuals who believe in salvation by grace through faith in Christ, and who also believe in the "ONENESS" of the Body of Christ. Abel, and part of his family, Anna, Joy-Rachel and Joshua, are in Italy as missionaries. Although pastoring their two churches out of necessity, until God will raise up leaders who are able to lead the churches, they will continue to reach new areas with the preaching of the saving message of the Gospel of Christ. For this reason, Abel and his family will have to still relay on the support of like-faith churches and individuals around the world, who have a passion even for the Italian unsaved souls. By the grace of God, our goal is to reach every person in the province with the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have committed all our lives and belongings in order to obey God's call upon our lives to come to Italy and preach the Gospel, but we cannot possibly do it by ourselves. We are not supported by a denomination, thus we'll need to raise our own personal and ministry support by ourselves, among churches and individuals of like faith, and who have a passion for unsaved souls. Jesus wants to save them! Please let Him by supporting Operation Italy! Every Gift to Operation Italy is tax deductible. Please write your checks to Operation Italy and mail them with your correspondence, to the address provided below.
Many people tend to believe that Italy is a "Christian" nation, thus not in need of missionaries, but please let me give you some figures about this nation: Out of 60 Million people living in Italy, only about 0.4% are members of a Protestant Church of any denomination. When we consider the percentage of true born-again believers (who go beyond nominal church membership) the percentage is even lower. Our local province of Frosinone in central Italy, along with several in the north, such as Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Florence and Bologna, have a born-again population of 0.1%. Out of 33,000 communities in the country, only 2,500 have an evangelical witness. The other 30,500 have no evangelical testimony whatsoever. There are belived to be some 100,000 practicing magicians in the country. This is 324 times the number of Protestant missionaries from all denominations. Satanism is very strong in the north, and lately they are also moving towards the south. Their practice include praying for the removal of all evangelical missionaries from the country. Dear friends, Italy needs to hear the good news of the Gospel, and we need your prayer, your financial support and your encouragement, in order to provide them the good news. OUR GOALS: We will continue to reach from town to town every person in the province, with the saving message of the Gospel. We will begin in this province, and continue as the Lord guides to other provinces. We need to teach and train other leaders to do the same. As God leads, I am determined to share and press on to alert other pastors and ministers in the area of what the Lord has commanded me to tell to His people! In order to reach this goal, we are praying that God will send us laborers who will eventually help us in our outreach and with follow up work. With the help of God, and as people get saved, we will start home Bible study groups in every area. Whenever possible, and funds permitting, we will also use the local Radio and TV stations for short messages or spots to advertise eventual rallies and Christian gatherings in the area. Over and above this, in order to fulfill our goal, we welcome suggestions and counsel from our supporters. Our hopes and prayers are ... that God's will be upon our lives and that we will be enabled to fulfill His call to preach the Gospel to as many people as possible, to bring them to receive Christ in their hearts as their Savior and Lord. As God provides the funds, through you and others, we will continue to work toward the goal of producing, ever increasing fruit for the Kingdom of God. In his testimony as recorded in the Book of Acts, Chapter 26 ... the apostle Paul declared before Agrippa, that he was therefore, not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem and throughout all the region of Judea and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance! Praise the Name of Jesus!!! Paul was not disobedient to his calling and neither will I be. Dear Friends, I believe that God called all missionaries to the field. He also called Churches and Pastors, to back them up with their prayers and financial support. If each one of us were faithful to God's call, the entire world population would be evangelized at all times. If this is not happening, then who is at fault? Certainly not God! Each one of us is responsible. Don't you agree? God said: Whom shall I send? Isaiah answered, "Here I am Lord, send me!" This is recorded in the book of Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8. I pray that you have accepted this letter with the intention it was meant. In sharing my heart with you and then allowing God to speak with you through His Holy Spirit, I pray that you will make the right decision to help. We also pray that the Holy Spirit will testify to your hearts ...that we are children of God, thus your brothers and sisters in Christ, and worthy of your prayers and financial support. Please let us hear from you. Let us know your counsel, your concerns and your faith. If you need more information, contact us through the address provided on the cover. In the meantime, may God richly bless you and grant you the desires of your heart, according to His will. Let us hear from you. In the meantime, may God richly bless you, together with your loved ones and with your church. In His love, Bro. Abel Aureli and family. If the Lord is leading you to support Operation Italy with your finances, please click on the PayPal logo and then follow the instructions. Please contact us via E-mail: By Telephone: 011-39-0775/20 15 37 Or by writing to the following address: Operation Italy Christian Mission, Inc. Casella Postale Succ. 2 03100 Frosinone Italy OTHER RELATED PAGES: The "Great Deceit" Of Purgatory! Thus saith The Lord! Will You Help Us? Are You Saved? Our Churches Photo Gallery Newsletter ITALIAN PAGES Dove Trascorrerete L'Eternit�? La Grande Domanda Cos� Dice Il Signore! Le Nostre Chiese Sei Tu Salvato? L'invenzione Del Purgatorio I Dieci Comandamenti Cari Testimoni "Please Sign & View Our GuestBook" copyright 2000, Operation Italy, all rights reserved
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