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Garber Bible Ministries

6765 West Orchid Lane, • Peoria, AZ 85345-8418 • United States • 602.842.3124/see/charmin.exe/CM00421

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Their questions run deep, so must our answers...

"Never morning wore to evening but some heart did break." That contemplation of Alfred Lord Tennyson exposes the reality of life's sharp edges. No one with a sensitive heart and a searching mind can escape the harsh truth of the feelings when heartache invades and the heavens seem as brass. During such seasons in life, the mind searches passionately for answers to our deepest questions. Brutality and calamity punctuate human experience and sometimes evil itself seems liberally distributed.

This, after all, is the most tense and frightful counterpoint that the Gospel confronts: when the message of a loving God appears ludicrous to the grieving. To such a one the ultimate power of the universe seems as a sharp, unappeasable animosity. Can an answer be given? Is there the possibility of inviting the mind and moving the heart to bring strength to the soul?

Times like these are when we, the church, must wait upon the Lord. We will renew our strength; we must mount up with wings as eagles; we must run, and not be weary; we must walk, and not faint.

Our mission...

This is the call of Garber Bible Ministries: To reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of a culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is done by removing the intellectual and false barriers to belief so that cynic and believer alike may perceive that God alone has given us the explanations that bring meaning to the human skirmish.

This ministry is committed to the decree of the Gospel with intellectual morality and cultural relevance, so as to reach the thinker for Christ, to counter the intellectual assailment of secularism and to respond to the genuine counter-points of other faiths with sensitivity.

Through this work we desire to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to strengthen the local church by providing revivals and pulpit supply throughout Arizona and the Southwest.

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evangelist revivals

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