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PAOC Missions to Southeast Asia

Box 112, Khon Kaen, 40000, Thailand, • Khon Kaen, Khon Kaen 40000 • Thailand • 043-341-323

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Serving God through Leadership Training

I have been in Southeast asia for almost 5 years. Countries that I have ministered in include Cambodia, Vietnam, Burma and Thailand. I mainly work in the northeast part of Thailand called Isaan. It's the poorest area in Thailand, but populated with over 20 million people! My heart is to multiply my ministry through training national leaders. As a group of missionaries in the Northeast, we work hard to inspiring vision among the Thai church. Surely the way to reach the world is through church planting. God wants clusters of His people in every nook and cranny on this planet. There are still many largely populated areas in Thailand that have no vibrant group of christians. The same goes for Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. Imagine, no testimony to the life changing power of God's grace! May the Lord give the countries of Indochina and Thailand more national leaders to reach out to this country. Personally, I help organise seminars to this effect and am on a preaching circuit of eight main churches that I work with closely. I appreciate your prayers, as Thailand is very slow to open up to the Gospel. I also desire to reach out into all if Indochina if possible. As the Lord leads.

Please pray for the people of Southeast Asia!

The needs are tremedous. Over 2 million people involved in the sex industry in Thailand. Aids is on the verge of killing many dozens daily. Cambodia is in great difficulty politically. Laos has no freedoms to preach the truth about Christ openly. Vietnam still arrests and jails pastors. And we could continue on and on about the needs. There is so much to do. What you can do is pray. Maybe even come? Maybe give so others can be strengthened and ministered to. By the way, did I thank you for coming to my site? You are here because you have a real burden for the people of Southeast Asia. That makes us friends and partners in many respects. Let me just tell you about what happened in Vietnam on a ministry trip. Although there is persecution by the authorities, still many have entered into the family of God. There are reports that in the northen mountain regions many tribal people have turned to the living God. Charisma magasine reports that at least 50,000 Hmong have become christians. Other tribal groups are coming to the Lord as well. I have seen and taken part in the house church movement in Vietnam. The church is vibrant in it's worship and dedication to the Lord. At one particular meeting, a friend and I had to hide from police who became suspicious of the house we were meeting in. There was a big crowd who gathered together in the house. When some of those present left the place, the police noticed that there were many people present in the house. I ended up underneath a bed with my friend! The Lord was good in protecting us from the police. Our ministry there would have seen it's final day, if caught. As for Thailand, there is great opportunities to share the gospel. We have complete freedom to evangelize, (pretty well). The hard part is that the thai are slow to respond to the message of the love of God. There are so many things holding them back in believing. The culture is so entwined with the national religion, Buddhism. There is fear in offending the spirits in many areas. Even national politicians will do good deeds in order to gain favor from the spirits. One politician was known to visit a certain well known monk who spat on people to confer blessing. There is also the fear of being ostracised from the family. "After all, we are all Buddhists. Born that way! Die that way! So better not try to leave that way!" Thailand desperately needs prayer. The bondages here are formidable. Would you please pray for us. We need more power and annointing in all we do! Please pray for the country of Burma. I have an invitation to return there and teach leaders. God is doing marvelous things in that country. God bless and please visit again real soon, Okay? Your friend in Christ, Peter

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