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Morning Star Missions and Referral Services*

P.O. Box 1145, • Pine, AZ 85544 • United States • 520-476-5885

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His face shown like the sun . . .

. How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven . . Genesis 28:17 Jesus is the way to heaven- John 14:6. And He said; Behold, I come quickly. The One Who has spoken these things says, " I Am coming soon!" Lord Jesus, come soon. Rev. 22

Dear Friends, .Morning Star Missions* is a Non Profit, Tax-Exempt Missionary Corporation. . We're thankful you found us today and that we have an opportunity to share our hearts with you.

Locally, we provide relief to needy and hurting people by assisting them with their basic needs such as; Bibles, Food, Clothing, Diapers, Formula and Personal Care Packages. Basically whatever we're given, we have no problem finding someone that has a need for it. Other Christian Ministries; The Lord has allowed us to be a clearing house for distributing blessings to other Brothers and Sisters who are in the mission fields.

.We also help persecuted Christians and underground Churches in countries like China, Vietnam,Laos, Russia, Sudan, N. Korea, Peru and Cuba by supplying them with support, the Word of God, other Christian literature, Outreach Films and educational materials in their own native languages.

As a Christian Referral Service the Police Department, Fire Department, Hospitals, Community Service Organizations, Churches, Radio and Television Stations have all referred people to us for help. We incorporate our Computer Network of Christian Resources to assist individuals and families in many ways. Uniting them with a Christian counselor, a shelter or home setting, a food or clothing bank, helping them get plugged into a Church home or a Christ centered program that will minister to their specific needs.

Feeding the hungry, giving clothing and toys to a needy child, caring for a homeless family is a call that we can answer. We share the Gospel of Grace with them and tell them the Good News of Gods' Love and Mercy , which is ours through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior and soon coming King.. .Our goal is to reach the lost sheep and unite the Body of Christ. " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosover believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life". (John 3:16 ) We also have the prophetic Word made more sure, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts. (2 Peter 1:19) Special Thanks go to NetMinistries, Gentle Ministries. And to our Board of Directors & Volunteer Staff ; Joy D.Tidwell, Robert and Cris May, Soki Meza and Susan Stacey for their love and commitment . And also a BIG Thanks to; Alberta Tollefson, Martha Ward, Bonnie Kamper, Darlene Crippa, Mr. & Mrs. Nollenburger, William Cavalier, Pat Rabertson-CBN, Arthur Blessit, Jerry Saville, Pam McMurtry, Pastor Karol Brecheisen and others who supported us from the beginning. Our Prayer Chapel; Please pray for; Pastors Dan & Lanora of the Sanctuary, Pastor Tommy Barnett, Richard Wormbrand-Voice of the Martyrs, Author Blessitt a pilgrim, Mylon Lefevre, Jennifer hurting teenager), David Wilkerson, Crystal Mitchel single mom, Cindy mom with seven children, Tamara Higgins and her twin girls and baby boy, Dallas Holm, Joy Desirae (age 6) and Cherie (16), Yoandra in Cuba, Tina Polk, Frank Savage , The Mestres Family, The Banta Family, Drinens, David in Battersea England, Michael and Michele, Robert rare disease - Cris and boys, Joy Tidwell, Susan Stacey missionary, Sue Pi-new Christian, Laura, Tanya, Shane Falkenhagen, Nikki, Mark Woodruff , Ellyn, Mark Guerts blind, James, Christine, Karol B, John and Leann, Sheryl, Christy, Martha W., Perry Waymire Jr., Dick and Kay Chamberlain , Tom and Jan Baker Fisher, Tricia Brooks-child w/Spina Bifida, Catherine Gwen, Chris T., Joanne, Ray, Linda, Lue, Jon, Amanda Hemingway w/Fibromyalgia, Shane (teenage boy), Lighthouse Lupus Group, Rod, Emily, Karen, Melony Pai a new Christian, Theresa and Amelia, Michael's Note: Dear Friends, Many of you have been wondering how I am getting along with the constant daily battles with this disease. To experience constant debilitating pain only to an illness did not make much sense to me. I went through a why me stage and depression. It was many of your prayers and encouragements that helped me through. I am truly learning the meaning of 2 Corinthians 12:9 which says; "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Paul goes on to say; ..."Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong".....Now I understand. Those of you that know me personally, know that had it not been for the grace of God, I would not be alive to write this to you now....He wants me for Him, to sit at His feet and learn of Him. ...Out of that will come the blessings and the power and the glory for this His ministry. He has shown me His heart in mine. And hopefully as time goes on, in this newsletter, you will all see more of Him and less of in Christ, Michael *WELCOME * * * IN THE NAME OF JESUS !! * * * * If you have questions about the good news and the gospel of grace, call KLOVE @ 1-800-45-truth. If you have a friend or family member suffering with a chronic illness and would like to suscribe to an awesome support group, please e-mail Laura at The Lighthouse Group; Personal note; Michael is looking for a 4WD vehicle. Please call 520-476-5885. *Faith, Hope and Love,these three, but the greatest of these is Love. Web Sites we thought you'd enjoy;
The Heaven Connection
Charisma Magazine
Jack Hayford
Bible Prophecy
Tommy Barnett
Word-In a Year

Joy Tidwell is our new Director for Morning Star.

Morning Star Missions- Needs List

    From the Office Wish List; Fax Machine -Color Printer-Cell Phone-VHS Camcorder-35mm Camera - Copier - Electronic Spanish Translator - Youth Camp Ranch- Outdoor Survival Gear - Generator
Morning Star is in need of a small country property in Arizona, to be used as a discipleship summer camp home for needy children. And of course we are always in need of Bibles, toys, furniture, toiletries, blankets, clothing and non perishable foods. . . . for the earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14) Update News from Promise Keepers. They are looking for volunteers in the areas of Crowd Marshals, Choir, Special Needs, Greeters, First Aid, Transportation and Prayer. ( in 1996 80,000 volunteers were needed for their outreach events) National Volunteer Dept.#1-800-417-1878. JESUS KNEW THE FATHER . His knowledge of God was so deep, so profound that His entire earthly life reflected a single Holy passion. .Jesus revealed the Father to us and called us - to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness . . . .This quest is not casual. The pursuit is not cavalier. We are to be driven by a Holy passion. ......... if you don't already have a Bible of your own and would like to have one, please let us know and we'll be more than happy to see that you get one. -Just send us your name and address, and if you'd like us to pray with you, your phone number. - LOL/JIL/MD PSALM 146 GOD is LOVE. He Loved us so much He sent us Jesus His only Son. The Light of the world. In this Light is the miracle of Love, let love be the light of the season. May Love guide your path and warm your hearts each day of the coming new year. My Dear Child, You have a compass on this journey of life. It is the light and the love of my Son, Jesus. Just as the sailors of old could guide their boats by the North Star, your life will be aimed in the right direction if you let Jesus be your guiding Light. He who called Himself "the Bright Morning Star*, will hold you steady through the storms. He will lead you into the safe harbor of My arms. Navigate by the Morning Star. And always remember, the Lord loves you, and life's darkest hour is often just before dawn. Whatever trials may befall you, don't despair, don't give up, don't lose hope ! But look to Jesus in your time of trial, claim and cling to His promises and believe His Word, that whatever it is you're going through, He will truly work it together for your good, and He will. It's His promise. He is faithful. And He truly loves you. If you would like to help support this ministry please contact us at ; Morning Star Missions and Referral Services . PO Box 1145 Pine, Arizona 85544 USA Telephone# 520-476-5885 Our E-Mail Address is; ) * Please remember; (Your individual and Corporate donations are tax deductable.) Check back; = for:updates-information-recommendations-referrals-testimonies-devotions & prayer requests. * Friends we Really are in need of more Teen Study Bibles for our Youth Outreach. Teenagers are requesting Bibles from us everyday! And I just sent out our last one to a young lady in Australia. We also need Spanish Bibles for Cuba, and Pocket Bibles for those in Prison. This ministry belongs to God. It does not bear our name. It is based on the call that He has placed on our hearts. He continues to expand our borders in every direction. For the last ten years, we have not accepted a salary. Morning Star is operated entirely by Volunteers. He ordained and blessed this ministry. It belongs entirely to Jesus Christ. Recommended reading this month is; Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ written by Jeanne Guyon in Grenoble, France . . . about 1685. You can order it from the SeedSowers @ (770) 254-9442. * For our faith statement, please come by our gentle ministries
Morning Star*
webpage and sign our Guestbook! Our prayer; May the Lord make His face shine upon you and give you peace. When It's Within Our Power To Help, How Can We Say No ??? We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for coming by. Send your prayer needs to our e-mail address below. Trials are not enemies of Faith, but are opportunities to see God's faithfulness. Faith is more than the alternative when reason fails. Faith looks to something other than itself. The Hebrews writer says it is even "certain of what we do not see." To prove this he points to the faith of Abel, Enoch and Noah. Moffatt saw three directions of a Christians hope; He saw that it is better to suffer with God, than to prosper in the world. Belief in the Spirit, against the senses. Senses tell us to grasp the moment, while the Spirit tells us there is something beyond. Belief in the future against the present. Faith has the long view. Faith prompts a Mother Theresa to reach out to the poor because God said it should be done. Faith believes what is done now will last forever. Faith believes the Christian will see God at death. God is seen with the spiritual eye as clearly as a sunset is seen with the physical eye. Though things crumble around us, faith knows God is in control. In closing I would just like to say we welcome your prayers and assistance.. We will be taking food, clothing, Bibles, toys, personal care items, blankets and other gifts to the needy on the Indian Reservations here in Arizona. You have been such a blessing, remember the Lord's return is near. The Lord lives let the God of our salvation be exalted. Blessed Lord JESUS. In His Love.
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