Lord's Players is a traveling Christian drama troupe based in Macon, GA on >br<
the campus of Mercer University. Our touring season generally lasts from late >br<
November through May. Each year we travel to churches, prisons, children's homes, >br<
schools, etc. and perform dramatic pieces with a Christian message. A typical >br<
program will include humorous skits, mime pieces to popular songs (both Christian >br<
and secular), more serious monologues and sketches, a personal testimony and/or >br<
message from one of our members, and an invitation. However, we tailor our program >br<
to fit the needs and desires of the audience. Our materials cover a number of >br<
ideas relevant to Christian living in today's world. We will also host youth >br<
lock-ins and drama workshops upon request. >br<
Current Lord's Players members are:
Lisa Cloudt
Ali Cochran
Blake Couey
Kristin Donaldson
Mandy Duren
Jonathan Lynch
Christy Stabile
Danny Williams
Lord's Players is one of the three branches of Cornerstone Ministries, >br< an affiliate of the Baptist Student Union of Mercer University. The other >br< ministries include Covenant, a singing ensemble, and Bear Hands, a sign- >br< language ministry. Cornerstone is a non-profit organization funded entirely >br< by donations whose purpose is to spread the gospel through performance. >br< Although an affiliate of the Baptist Student Union, Cornerstone is non->br< denominational in approach. (Our current Cornerstone leader is a METHODIST!)>br< For booking or other information concerning Lord's Players or another group>br< please feel free to contact Mercer University Baptist Student Ministries. >br< >br< >br< >br< "Each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, >br< faithfully administrating God's grace in its various forms." >br< 1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)
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