Hello Everyone my name is Bravewolf but I go by Brave I'm a 61 year old legally Ordained Minister I have been a licensed, Minister now since 2017.
I'm a Nom demonational Minister, I respect all
Religions and everyone's religious beliefs, I'm authorized to legally performs Weddings here in
los Angeles county and other areas I also try to keep up with all the current Weddings Vows of the different religions like Baptist, Catholic, Christian etc. And other services you might
My name is Bravewolf but I go by Brave I'm hopeing to become a volunteer Chaplain for
The Los Angeles county jail system an,
Religious services. To become a, Chaplain
An speak an work an pray with the inmates
Housed in the Los Angeles county jails, like
The Twin Towers complex an other locations.
An let the inmates know, that not everyone has
Forgotten about them on the outside world.
And that their Family an friends still care about
Them an Love them very much, an worry about
Them. And to let them know their only human
We all make mistakes in our lives, But that
Jesus an God still loves them, an forgives,
Them for their Crimes an sins they might have
Commited before they were arrested. And that
Not all the inmates that locked up in jail are
Actually guilty of a crime they did'nt commit,
There are actually hundreds an thousand of
Inmates housed in our local jails an prisons
An all the jails an prisons throughout the U.S.
There are inmates that currentely incarcerated
That are actually innocent of the crimes they
Were arrested for an accused of. But
The Lord wants them to know to never
Give up on themselves an to keep
Praying to God all the time an ask,
Jesus to forgive them for their Sins an
To become their Savior an to protect
Them at all times, an watch over them
And their Families. I Pray for all the
Inmates an their Familys.
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