You are welcome to Family ministry page
This is a page designed to give you the family ministry activities from different places they go and do.God has called me to reach out to the families with the gospel of restoration and preventative.We all come from dysfunction families and even when we came to Jesus Christ we still carry on the dysfunctionality with us. I have seen people who have big ministries who have problems with their families, some have proken relationships.Tha family ministries shares Biblical principles of Happy families, which is everybody's desere as families to be happy and enjoy life as couples.
We want to share with you what we have been up to as we move from place to place sharing these life changing principles so that you can see what is happening around.And may get involved as well.Becuae remember the Lord Jesus commanded his disciples to go out to all the world and preach the gospel.If you are not yet involved, be inpired to do so, becuase your savior axpects that fro you.I wll try to post some events as i get them.
So, once again wellcome to Family ministries
As we have said on our welcome, this page is set here as platfom where you can see what is happening in family ministries,in our lives and around us,it is also a place where we invite you to contribute what is happening in your family ministries if you are involved.And also if you have good ideas about how we can make this place better we want to invite you to fell free to suggest what you think would be helpful for this page in relation to families.
And please, we invite polite comments and suggestions, we would not like contributions that are not constructive, rather we would love constructive comments, suggestions.
Thank you God bless you
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