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Hunter Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church

1105 Twenty-Second Avenue, P. O. Box 1144 • Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 • United States • 205 722-2238

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Our Belief

The Authority of Stripture: We affirm that all scripture is inspired of God and contains everything essential for salvation. God's Universal Love for All Persons: God not only loves every person but He is actively reaching out with his love and forgiving us for turning away from Him. He is constantly inviting everyone into a renewed, right, and loving relationship with Him. This activity of love and forgiveness which God extends to every human being is His grace. Justification by Faith in Jesus Christ: We affirm that the way a person enters into a right ralationship with God "is justified" by his or her faith and not by any good works, that he or she might have done. Sanctification: The Pursuit of Holiness: The point in time in which a person is justified by Faith in Christ is the beginning of a new life in the believer. He or she then begins a lifelong pursuit of holiness, and personal quest for the loving qualities of Christ under the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is a continuous growth toward perfected love and scripture holiness. It is achieved through prayer, bible study, worship, the sacraments, personal morality, social outreach, confrontation of evil and oppression - but most of all by faith. The Assurance of Salvation: We believe that we can have absolute assurance that we have entered into a new relation with God through our faith in Jesus Christ. Through the activity of the Holy Spirit in us, we can know for certain that we are both justified and sanctified; that we have accepted God's forgiveness and have entered a new life with Christ.

Our Pastor

The Reverend Dr. Thaddeus Steele is Pastor of Hunter Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church , Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He has dedicated his life to preaching the gospel and promoting the Kingdom of God. 

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

9:30 a.m. - Sunday

Morning Worship

11:00 a.m. - Sunday

Bible Study

12:00 noon Wednesday

Bible Study

6:00 p.m. Wednesday

Our Staff

Rev. Dr. Thaddeus Steele

Angela Harris

Pastor's Steward •

Norvie Womack

Trustee Board Chairman •

Mary Bailey

Church Secretary •

Bishop Seth O. Lartey

Presiding Prelate •