Believing in the Bible as the inspired Word of God and acknowledging adherence to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare the purpose of this church to be:
A. To maintain regular services for public devotion, worship, study and prayer;
B. To proclaim earnestly the Gospel Message and urge its personal acceptance;
C. To cooperate heartily by prayer, gift, and service to spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ throughout the world;
D. To promote systematic Bible study and training for Christian service and to encourage life enlistment in some form of definite Christian activity;
E. To bring about, as far as possible, the study and practice of true religion as revealed and taught in the Scriptures.
We the members of Holland Baptist Church, confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe that by the Holy Spirit, God has called us into covenant relationship. Therefore, we want to be God's church in this place; and we make this covenant before God and with each other.
Knowing that we are dependent on the church, which is the body of Christ, we promise to be vitally connected with this church. We shall be faithful in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, in prayer, in the study of God's word, and the nurturing of Christian fellowship. We shall love, accept, affirm, and pray for one another. The doors of our church will be open as wide as the love of Christ. Gratefully, we will give our time, talents, abilities and money to this church as stewards of the resources which God has entrusted to us.
We shall be especially concerned about our families, that they be Christian, that a faithful love exist between husband and wife, and that our children be wanted, loved and nurtured.
With the Spirit of God assisting us, we further promise to attend the services of this church, observe its ordinances, share in its support of missions to all people and endeavor in all aspects of life to be a fruitful body of Christians.
When we move from this place, we shall unite with some other church in order that we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word. Amen.
This church acknowledges no superior ecclesiastical authority. It is a free, autonomous, independent body, congregational in nature with authority to determine for itself in the manner set forth in this document, free of any outside control, authority or power, whether governmental or otherwise, the use of its property and all church policies. However this church does recognize the importance and advantage of cooperating with other churches and bodies. Therefore, insofar as practical, this church will cooperate with and participate in the Blackwater Baptist Association, The Baptist General Association of Virginia, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Southern Baptist Convention, and the Baptist World Alliance.
This church is in sympathy with those organizations which have for their objective the spread of the Gospel, or the service of God or of humankind in other ways, benevolent or educational. Therefore, the church through its budget may give financial support to such organizations, provided the church in business session has given its approval to said organization or organizations.
We would love to welcome you to our church. If you have any questions Please feel free to contact us at (757)657-6661 or hbc@hez.
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