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Community Catholic Church of Canada (Old Catholic)

• Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario L0S1J0 • Canada • 905 468 9502 • Other

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The Little Church with a Big Mission!

Formerly The Old Catholic Church of Canada, we are now The Community Catholic Church of Canada. This marks an exciting new era in our Church's history as we reach out to all in the name of God's Love.  You can follow our church history on an older webpage here: 

Our Presiding Bishop is The Most Reverend Deborah Vaughan.  Our mission is to live the two great commandments given to us by Jesus: to love God and to love our neighbour as ourselves.
Drawing from Catholic/Anglican traditions, we are open to ALL who wish to worship in an affirming, Christ-centred community where questions are welcome and spiritual journeys are honoured.

A Warm Welcome to All

The Community Catholic Church of Canada was established in 1960 as the Old Catholic Church of Canada. 

We find our roots in the Old Catholic tradition and have valid orders, sacraments, and apostolic succession.   The CCCC is both an inclusive and progressive expression of the richness of the Catholic/Anglican tradition.

The heart of our message is Love.  Those who are seeking a place to fully be themselves and be embraced by the One who created all, will find welcome in one of our parishes.


  •  you have questions about your faith; 
  • the Church is not a place of peace for you any longer; 
  • you are longing to find a community that celebrates spirituality and also celebrates the sacraments in vibrant ways...

then you may find a home here.

We offer training for the Diaconate and Priesthood through St. Francis Seminary.
We are also training Chaplains, affirming them in their community work and preparing them as wedding officiants recognized byt the Ontario Government. Check out the deatils at

Blessings on your journey!  

+Archbishop Deborah and the clergy of the CCCC

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Our Services & Events

Onsite Lay Pastoral Chaplaincy

Sept 17

Online Lay Pastoral Chaplaincy

Oct 24 and 25

Our Staff

Archbishop Deborah Vaughan

Presiding Bishop •

Archbishop Pat Davies

Emeritus •

The Very Rev Sam Moffatt

Dean of Seminary •