Judson Baptist Church is located near beautiful Lake Eufaula in the Screamer Community of Henry County Alabama In addition to the rural area near the local town of Abbeville. The church ministers to a very diverse population located in the many sub communities that surround Lake Eufaula. The church's mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ in this community and the world by supporting missions in various ways. The church welcomes anyone who wishes to worship Jesus.
Year Founded: 1850
Members: 300
Average Attendance: 100
Mailing Address:
180 County Road 93
Abbeville, AL 36310-5929
Church Staff:
Pastor: Rev. Brandon Turner, (334) 618-5984
From Eufaula, AL, take state hwy 431 south. Turn left onto state hwy 95. Continue for approximately fifteen miles and turn left onto county road 57. Continue for approximately 2.5 miles and turn left onto county road 93. Judson is on your immediate right.
From Dothan, AL, take state hwy 431 north. Turn right at the intersection of state hwy 431 and state hwy 27. Continue into Abbeville, AL on state hwy 27 and turn right onto East Washington St (state hwy 10). Continue through a traffic light and turn left onto state hwy 95. Continue for approximately eight miles and turn right onto county road 57. Continue approximately 2.5 miles and turn left onto county road 93. Judson is on your immediate right.
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