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2940 16Th Street, San Francisco, California, 94103. United States of America
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The IAL Canada and IAL USA of the Latin-American Anglican Church (The Old Anglo Catholic Church) was formally incorporated by letters patent on 15 June 2003 with a Dominion of Three Independent Catholics and Anglican Denomination Churches. Charter: -Anglican Rite; Orthodox Rite; and Byzantine Rite-. The Full Legal name of the our Church in both official languages -English and Spanish-: The Latin-American Anglican Church and Iglesia Anglicana Latino-Americana. To work with Hispanics Communities Christian people and other cultures and language. This religious Christian Anglo Catholic organization born in Mosquera city, Colombia, (South America) on 17 December 1985. In 2000 the church moved from South America to United States and Canada. Also to will plant missions worldwide Under God.
Leonardo Marin-Saavedra was consecrated on 15 June 2003 by + Arthur David Seeland of North Caroline (died in 2009) and + Jorge Enrique Rodriguez-Villa of California (died in 2011), assisted by + Juan de Dios Correa-Triana of Los Angeles (still living) in Holy San Judas Tadeo Cathedral, Huntington Beach, California, United States. On 15 November 2003, his Excellency was enthroned as the First Independent Anglican Missionary Bishop of the Americas Territories, Caribbean Territories and worldwide. The following are the men he has consecrated as bishops and some sub conditione, if any, in brackets.
IAL Episcopal Consecration History:
Archbishop Leonardo Marin-Saavedra has been as assistant consecrator for the following four bishops. The first time was for the consecration of Patrick Leone (still living) from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in Montreal city, which took place on 21 July, 2005 in primate Chapel (Gallican). This first consecration was for the "Gallican Catholic Church of Canada and Frence" with its Archbishop Gilles Trambley (still living) serving as chief consecrator.
Lay Minister: The Lay Minister is licensed by the Bishop and may be given temporary charge of a parish. They may conduct services and if so licensed by the Bishop may read the gospel in public worship and give homilies of their own composition to a congregation. This is normally the first step for a man wishing to become a Priest.
Sub Deacon: Sub Deacon is an ordained position with the same duties and responsibilities as a Lay Minister. This ordination is normally given to a student in Seminary.
Deaconess: A Deaconess is a woman who has been set apart for service in the church. She is ordained and her duties are the same as a Deacon.
Deacon: This is normally the second step to becoming a priest. A man wishing to become a deacon must be ordained in person and may be placed in charge of a parish. In addition to the duties of a lay minister and sub deacon, he may read the Gospel, give homilies, Solemnize Marriage, conduct Funeral Services and Baptize.
Priest: The priest in the Latin-American Anglican Church (TheOld Anglo Catholic Church) and The Conservative Anglican Church of North America is a man who is normally placed in charge of a parish. He must be ordained in person. He may conduct all services except those reserved to the bishop.
Bishop: May be placed in charge of a diocese and is vested with all the sacraments of the church. In order to be consecrated a bishop a man must be a priest to be considered for this role in the church.
Archbishop: An Archbishop is a Bishop who has oversight of more than one Bishop.
Presiding Bishop: The Presiding Bishop is a Bishop who has been elected by the College of Bishops, and has oversight of the church. He is always considered an Archbishop.
IAL Representative Instrument: Being a representative of the Latin-American Anglican Church (IAL) is a responsibility of high office that is given to a cleric (or parishioner) to represent the Church in all matters concerning business and diplomatic representations to the government of the nation where he is citizen to the representative or the city where there resides or where an evangelical mission of the Church is done.
IAL Apostolic Delegate Instrument: It is the appointment that is given to a cleric with functions bishop or archbishop to assume authority with responsibility and can work for the Church, as the Archbishop of the religious organization or Supreme Patriarch Spiritual, running legal actions, ecclesiastical and religious they are supported and approved by the College of Bishop of the Latin-American Anglican Church (IAL) and the Universal Church.
Entering the ministry is a serious step and must not be taken lightly. Men and women who have decided to enter full or part-time ministry must be of good moral character and bear the fruit of the spirit. You begin the process by sending your resume and contact information to IAL: or A bishops will discuss your ministry goals, education and spiritual development with you, to determine the program you must complete.
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