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P.O BOX 280144,CHIMWEMWE,KITWE,ZAMBIA, MANENEKELA 87 • KITWE, COPPERBELT 10101 • Zambia • +260977765604/+260212210763 • Presbyterian

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The Brief History of Chimwemwe Presbyterian Churc

The church started in 1970 at a community hall in Chimwemwe Township, in a mining District of Kitwe. In 1972, they moved to the newly constructed church building. At the time they had no resident Minister. But some visiting ministers could come and preach and administer Holy communion. During the middle 1970s and in the late 1980s, they had different ministers who could come to preach and administer the Holy Communion among these were Rev W. Christen,Rev E. Pons,Rev S. Nkowane, Rev R. Munthali. In the 1990s, they had Rev P. Kabala as the resident minister and in 2003, they had Rev S. Phaika as their resident Minister upto 2006. Since 2007, the Rev Godfrey Msiska has been their Resident minister. Godfrey Msiska is married to a Muchoke. They are really a good couple and a good example of what marriage is all about. Since the time they came at Chimwemwe congregation. The congregation has really seen God at work.

Vision of Chimwemwe Presbyterian Church

The vision for the Chimwemwe Presbyterian Church a Member of Uniting Presbyterian church in Southern Africa is to Raise the standards in the Body of Christ and Community, through the preaching and teaching of the gospel and doing Charity work. At the same time,to create opportunities and partnership with those who share in our vision. The church currently has a main project to construct permenant classroom blocks from the 8 temporary wooden classrooms. The purpose for this is to create decent and good learning environment for the community school that is operating at Chimwemwe Presbyterian Church. Our Prayer is that this project should be through before 2012. Jeremiah 17:32 "There is nothing to hard for God....."

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Our Services & Events

English Sunday Service

08:00- 09 :00hrs

Vernacular Sunday Service


Wednesday Middle week service


Daily devotion prayers

06:00- 06:45

Last sun of the Month,

15:00-16,Bible Study

LayTraining course,Sunday


Our Staff

Rev Godfrey Msiska

Minister in -Charge •

Mr Crosby Chiumia +260976023999

Session Clerk/Elder •

Mr Robert Kaunda +260977654382

Church Tresurer/ Elder •