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Saint James African Methodist Episcopal Church

1002 Sixth Avenue, • Columbus, GA 31901 • United States • 706-322-8043 • AMENZ

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The Mission and Purpose of the Church

The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading Christ's liberating gospel through word and deed. At every level of the Connection and in every local church, the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall engage in carrying out the spirit of the original Free African Society, out of which the A.M.E. Church evolved: that is, to seek out and save the lost, and serve the needy through a continuing program of :

(1) preaching the gospel,

(2) feeding the hungry,

(3) clothing the naked,

(4) housing the homeless,

(5) cheering the fallen,

(6) providing jobs for the jobless,

(7) administering to the need of those in prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, caring for the sick, the shut-in, the mentally and socially disturbed, and

(8) encouraging thrift and economic advancement.

Good Reasons For Tithing

Tithing is a moral and spiritual obligation of the Christian for the following reasons.

1. Law commands it. The principle of tithing was known and practiced by ancient people. It was included in the Law of Moses and accepted by the prophets as one of the requirements of faith and duty (see Leviticus 27.:30; Malachi 3:8).

2. Stewardship includes it. Faithful stewardship is required of the Christian. The stewardship of material possession is expressed by the tithe. Jesus commended the tithe, and the apostle Paul approved the principle in his emphasis on regular and proportionate giving (see Matthew 23:23, 1 Corinthians 16:2).

3. Needs demand it. There is much physical and spiritual hunger in the world today. Millions of people are starving. Even more am without Christ and without hope. Are these conditions of no concern to us? World conditions should call forth our tithes and offerings (see Romans 1:14-15, 2 Corinthians 8: 14).

4. Love constrains it. Tithing is not only an acknowledgment of debt; it is an expression of love and gratitude. The Christian has received much from God; therefore, he should give much back to him. It is a simple and easy matter to tithe when one recognizes God's love and mercy and gives himself and his money to the Lord (see 2 Corinthians 8. 5, Luke 7.47).

5. Results justify it. The results of tithing are both material and spiritual. Tithing will provide adequately for all phases of the Lord's work: worship, missions, Christian education, and benevolence. Better still, it will deepen and enrich the spiritual life of the Christian and inspire faith, hope, and love in the he-arts of others (see Luke 16:11; Malachi 3:10).

Food for Thought

"The sweetest lesson I have learned in God's school is to let the Lord choose for me.

Food for Thought:

We are all pencils in the hands of God.



The author, Dr. Emma B. Hunter, is a retired educator and is currently Director of Christian Education of the Southwest Georgia Conference of the AME Church.
1. To receive and Know a Relationship with God... Cost: $6.00
2. All the Forces Have Crumbled: Jesus is the Way... Cost $8.00
3. Jesus: The Ultimate Peace...cost $10.00
4. Nuggets for Living...cost $10.00
Books purchased in quantities of ten or more will receive a 10% discount. Also, 10% is given to Missionary and Youth groups. Books can be secured by calling Dr. Emma Hunter at 706-561-5186 or by faxing her at 706-561-1591. You can also request copies by calling St. James AME Church at 706-322-8043.

January 22, 2003
Dear Christian Friend:
St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church is pleased to serve as your host for the 107th Session of the Southwest Georgia Annual Conference, scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2003 through Friday, March 21, 2003. Keep in mind that Monday, March 17, 2003 is the Annual Missionary Convention. We are anticipating a great time in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As apart of our celebration, we will be sponsoring a souvenir journal. Following is a list of the costs for each category:

Full Page ad $125.00
Half Page ad $75.00
Quarter Page ad $50.00
Front Inside cover * (full page) $225.00
Back Inside Cover *(full page) $225.00
Non-camera ready picture in ad $10.00

* Due to the limited amount of premium space, please call ahead and reserve this space for your ad.

The deadline for ads is Monday, February 17, 2003. Please make your check payable to St. James A. M. E. Church and mail it to:

St James A. M. E. Church
ATTN: Souvenir Journal Committee
1002 6th Avenue
Columbus, Georgia 31901

Listed below are the hotel accommodations made available by the Local Planning Commission for this meeting. When making your reservations, please ask for the Southwest Georgia Annual Conference Room Block.

Wyndam Hotel (formerly the Hilton), 800 Front Avenue, Columbus, Georgia; 1- 800-445-8667/ 706-324-1800 Rate: $85.00** ; Deadline: 02/17/03

Comfort Inn 3460 Macon Road, Columbus, GA; 1-800-228-5150/ 706-256-3093; Rates $69.95** (single king) /$79.95** ~ (double) Deadline 02/21/03

Holiday Inn 2800 Manchester, North Expressway, Columbus, GA; 1-800-465-4329/ $706-324-0231; Rates 65.00** (single king)/ $65.00** (double) 02/18/03

Howard Johnson Express, 1011 Veterans Pkwy, Columbus, GA; 1-800-697-7293/706-322-6641; Rates $62.00** (single suite)/ $62.00** (double); deadline: 02/10/03

Courtyard Marriott, 3501 Courtyard Way, Columbus, GA; 1-800-321-2211/706-323-2323; Rates $84.00 ** (single king)/$84.00 ** double (includes breakfast); deadline 02/04/03

Directions from hotels to St James AME Church:

The Wvndam Hotel (formerly the Columbus Hilton} -from the hotel parking lot, turn left onto 8th Street. From 8th Street turn left on 6th Avenue. St. James will be to your right at the next traffic light.

Comfort Inn --From the hotel parking lot go to traffic light at entrance and turn left onto Macon Road Macon Road will turn into Wynnton Road. Continue down Wynnton Road. You will come to a four-way traffic light. Go straight through the light and under the viaduct (railroad overpass) staying in the left-hand lane. As soon as you come from under the viaduct, turn left. The rear parking lot of St. James will be to your right.

Holiday Inn North -From hotel parking lot turn right onto Manchester Expressway. From Manchester Expressway get on 1-185 South. From 1-185 South get off on the next exit (Macon Road). Turn right onto Macon Road. Macon Road will turn into Wynnton Road. Continue down Wynnton Road. You will come to a four-way traffic light. Go straight through the light and under the viaduct (railroad overpass) staying in the left-hand lane. As soon as you come from: under the viaduct, turn left. The rear parking lot of St. James will be to your right.

Howard Johnson Express (walking distance) From hotel parking lot turn right onto Veterans Parkway. From Veterans Parkway, turn left onto 9th Street turn left on 6th Avenue. St. James will be to your right at the next traffic light.

Courtyard Marriott -From hotel parking lot turn right onto Manchester Expressway. From Manchester Expressway get on 1-185 South. From I-185 South get off on the next exit (Macon Road). Turn right onto Macon Road. Macon Road will turn into Wynnton Road. Continue down Wynnton Road. You will come to four-way traffic light. Go straight through the light and under the viaduct (railroad overpass) staying in the left-hand lane. As soon as you come from under the viaduct, turn left. The rear parking lot of St James will be on your right.

5 of the Articles of Religion:

1. Of Faith in the Holy Trinity. There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body or parts, of infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; the Maker and Preserver of all things, both visible and invisible. And in unity of this God-head, there are three persons, of one substance, power and eternity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

2. Of the Word, or Son of God, who was made very man. The Son, who is the Word. If the father, the very eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin's; so that two whole and perfect natures, that is to say, the God-headed and manhood, were joined together in one person, never to be divided; whereof is one Christ, very God and very Man, who truly suffered, was crucified dead, and buried to reconcile his Father to us, and to be sacrifice, not only for original guilt, but also for the actual sins of men..

3. Of the Resurrection of Christ. Christ did truly rise again from the dead , and took again his body with all things appertaining to the perfection of man's nature, wherewith he ascended into heaven, and there sitteth until he return to judge all men at the last day.

4. Of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son is of one substance, majesty, and glory with the father and the Son, very and eternal God.

5. Of the Sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation. The Holy Scripture containeth all things necessary to salvation; so that whatever is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any man, that it should be believed as an article of faith, or be thought requisite or necessary to salvation. In the name of the Holy Scripture, we do understand those canonical books of the Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the church.

Conference T-Shirts ( $7) and Souvenir Books $3) are available for sale. Audio cassettes of the sermons from the 103rd Session of the Southwest Georgia Annual Conference are available for $5, plus shipping and handling. Mail your order to St James AME Church, 1002 Sixth Avenue, Columbus, Georgia 31901. Be sure to specify :

Tape #1 - WMS Worship, Rev. Millie Rambeau

Tape #2 - Hour of Power, Rev Bobby Jacobs

Tape #3 - Hour of Power, Rev. Jamille Jacobs

Tape#4 - Hour of Power, Rev. Keith Lawrence

Tape#5 - Closing Worship, The Bishop Donald George Kenneth Ming

TAPE #6 - "Get up And Get Your Blessings" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #7 - "Looking For Jesus"(Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #8 - "Is there Any Room For Jesus"(Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #9 - "When Glory Comes" (Presiding Elder C. Tatmon)

TAPE #10 - "St. James ( 1998 Christmas Concert 4th in series)

TAPE #11 - 135th Church Anniversary (Rev. J.E. Arnell )

TAPE #12 - Worship Service ( 11-1-98 - Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #13 - Worship Service ( 7-98 - Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #14 - "From A Mess To A Miracle" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #15 - "Coming to Yourself" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #16 - "From Crooks To Saints" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #17 - "Songs Prayer and Reading" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #18 - "Somebody ought to say Something" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #19 - "The Prayer Untapped Resource" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #20 - "Moving Beyond Your Comfort Zone" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #21 - "Have you Ever Thought About Asking" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #22 - "Constant Need for Growth" (Oct 4, 1999 - Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #23 - Oct 11, 1999 - (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #24 - Oct. 18, 1999 - (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #25 - "It's all in What you see" (Rev. Dr. Lufenia Johnson - WMS Speaker)

TAPE #26 - "Lest We Forget" (Rev. Scottie Swinney)

TAPE #27 - Women's Day 1998

Audio Tapes from our Library sermons are available for $5, plus shipping and handling. Mail your order to St James AME Church, 1002 Sixth Avenue, Columbus, Georgia 31901. Be sure to specify the Name and Number:

Get your last year's Annual Conference T-Shirts for only $2.00. Sizes available: SM - XXXL BR>

THE ST. JAMES AME CHURCH YOUTH ROUND-UP.........Parents of St. James Children and Youth are invited to bring your children or send them to CHORUS and YPD Activities.....

OTHER Links:

> The Central District of the SW Georgia Conference

> Evangelist African Methodist Episopal Church

Greater St Mark AME Church

Saint John AME Church

New Bethel AME Church

Peters Chapel AME Church

Greater Ward Chapel AME Church

> Ministrial Alliance of the AME Church

> The Africian Methodist Episcopal Church Homepage

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

9:45 am, Sundays

Morning Worship

11:00 am, Sundays

Bible Study/Prayer Meeting

6:00 pm, Wednesdays

Mid-Day Bible Study

11:45 am Wednesday

Our Staff

Scottie Swinney

Senior Pastor •

The Rev. Dr. M.S. Colquitt

Presiding Elder •

Bishop William P. DeVeaux

Presiding Prelate •

W. Frank Cook & Vicki J. Alston

Ministeral Staff •

Juliet Freeman