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Crossing Over C.O.G.I.C.

11 South Harrison Street, • Easton, MD 21601 • United States • (410)770-9773 • COGIC

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Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written Word of God. We believe that there is One God, eternally existent in three Persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ at his return. We believe that only means of being cleansed from sin, is through repentance, faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and being baptized in water. We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation. We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides healing for the human body in answer to believing in prayer. We believe that water baptism in the Holy Ghost, according to Acts 2:4, is given to the believer who asks for it. We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirt, by whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a Holy and separated life in this present world, Amen.

Doctrine of the Church of God in Christ

The Bible: We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and contains one harmonious, sufficiently complete system of doctrine. We believe in the full inspiration of the Word of God. We hold the Word of God to be the only authority in all matters and assert that no doctrine can be true or essential, if it does not find a place in the Word. The Father: We believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Author and Creator of all things the Old Testament reveals God in in diverse manners, by manifesting his character, and dominions. The Gospels in the New Testament give us knowledge of God the "Father" or "My Father",showing the relationship of God to Jesus the Son(St.John 15:8, 14:20). Jesus also gives God the distinction of "Fatherhood" to all believers when he explains God in the light of "Your Father in Heaven Matthew 11:33;6:8). The Son: We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Second person in the Godhead of the Trinity or Triune Godhead. We believe that Jesus was and is in his peron and nature as the Son Of God who was with God in the beginning of creation(St.John 1:1). We believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin called according to the scripture(St. Matthew 1:18-25). We believe that Jesus Christ became a "suffering servant" to man; this suffering servant came seeking to redeem mankind from sin and to reconcile him back to God, his Father(Romans5:10). We believe that Jesus Christ is standing now as mediator between God and man (I Timothy 2:5). The Holy Ghost: We believe the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is the third person of the proceeds from the Father and the Son, is the same substance, equal to and glory, and is together with the Father and the Son, to be believed in, and worshipped. The Holy Ghost is a gift bestowed upon the believer and has the purpose of equipping and empowering the believer, making him a more effective witness for service in the world. He teaches and guides one into all truth (Acts 1:8,8:9). Baptism of the Holy Ghost: We believe that Baptism of the Holy Ghost is an experience subsequent to conversion and sanctification and that tongue-speaking is the consequence of baptism in the Holy Ghost with the manifestations of the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22-23; Acts 10:46, 19:1-6). We believe that we are not baptised with the Holy Ghost in order to be saved(Acts19:1-6;John 3:5). When one receives a baptism in the Holy Ghost experience, we believe one will speak with a tongue unknown to the individual according to the sovereign will of Christ. To filled with the Spirit means to be Spirit controlled as expressed by Paul in Ephesians 5:18-19.Since the charity demonstrations were necessary to help the early church to be success implementing the command of Christ, we therefore, believe that a Holy Ghost experience is mandatory for all men & women today. Salvation: Salvation deals with the application of the work of redemption to the sinner and his restoration to divine favor and communion with God. This redemptive oppurtinity of the Holy Ghost sinners is brought about by repentance toward God and toward our Lord Jesus Christ which brings conversion, faith, justification, regeneration, sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Repentance is the work of God, which results in a change of mind in repect to man's relationship to God (St. Matt 3:1-2,4:17;Acts20:21). Faith is a certain conviction wrought in the heart by the Holy Spirit, as to the truth of the Gospel and trusting the promises of God in Christ(Rom 1:17,3:28;St Matt9:22). ********************************************************************** BIOGRAPHY OF ELDER L.CARNEL BRICE Elder L.Carnel Brice, born December 9,1957,parents of Milton Albert Brice & Ophelia H. Brice and also the grandson of the late Pastor Ernest Holland who founded Mount Zion Pentecostal Holiness Church in Bethlehem,MD. Elder L.Carnel Brice is a graduate of the University of Salisbury State, Salisbury Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Elder Pastor Brice accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior in 1974 and has been doing the work of the Lord ever since. Elder Brice relocated to Southern California in 1986 and later joined Life Church of God in Christ, Riverside California under Pastor Ron M.Gibson. Life Church is a member of the 1st Jurisdiction of California under Bishop Charles E. Blake, Jurisdictional Prelate. Elder Brice devotedly attended Homiletics' class at Life Church as well as completing the Elder's Ordination Class. He was ordained as an Elder under the leadership of Bishop Charles E. Blake Jurisdictional Prelate and First Assistant to the Presiding Bishop Patterson. Possessing a yearning for souls, he served wholeheartily in various areas of the ministry such as: Evangelism OutReach Team, Executive Member of the Brotherhood Dept., Rites of Passage, Water Baptism Administrator, Television Prayer Ministry, Sunday School, Purity Class, Television Prayer & Tape Order Ministry & Vacation Bible School Teacher. Elder Brice found his wife, Missionary-Evangelist Shelia L. Brice at LIFE Church and were married on Jan 18th 1997. And now, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, Elder Brice and Evangelist Brice have relocated (Crossing Over)from California to Easton, MD to open a church. The church is "Crossing Over" Church of God in Christ and the first service was held on June 2, 2002 at the Days Inn with an attendance of eight members. ********************************************************************** BIOGRAPHY OF MISSIONARY-EVANGELIST SHELIA L. BRICE Evangelist Shelia L. Brice was born in Los Angeles, California and is the 5th child of 7 children. Raised in a christian home her father, Elder Booker T. Chism Sr. is a strong street Evangelist who can be found preaching the gospel in season and out of season on the streets of Los Angeles, California. Sister Shelia accepted the Lord into her life at the age of 12. She served under Pastor Ron M. Gibson for 14 years, working as a Administrative Assistant to the 1st Lady Sister Lavette Gibson for 10 years at LIFE Church of God in Christ. In those years at LIFE Church of God in Christ, Sister Brice, served in many capacities: Purity Class Leader, Y.W.C.C. President, Sunday School Teacher, V.B.S. Teacher, Program Chairperson, and Minister's Wives President, Missionary Unit President, Executive Board, to name a few. Evangelist Shelia Brice spoke her husband into exitence and is now married to Pastor L. Carnel Brice. She is the mother of one son who resides in San Bernardino, California, and is the proud grandmother of 3 precious grandchildren. Sister Brice is a licensed Evangelist who loves the Lord and has compassion for the hurting women. She is ANOINTED AND APPOINTED by God to preach the gospel and proclaim liberty to the captives. **********************************************************************

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Sunday School


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Radio Broadcast (WCEI 1460)


Our Staff

L.Carnel Brice

Shelia L. Brice

1st Lady •

Clifford E. Chism

Minister •

Bishop G.E. Patterson

Jurisdictional Prelate •