Bishop Charlie Green,Jr., a visionar, is a graduate of Crossroads Bible College with a bachlor of theology degree and a graduate of Crossroads Graduate School of Divinity with a Master of theology degree. We can see that Bishop Green's vision has not pershed because he is founder of Green Memorial Biblical University, which is a four year institution organized in 1977. Also founder of Monument of Faith C.O.G.I.C., Malden, Mo. Deliverance Temple C.O.G.I.C., St. Louis, Mo., and Sikeston Community Credit Union, Sikeston, Mo. Bishop Pastors Green Memorial C.O.G.I.C. Bishop Green extends to all the wonderful saints of God who saw his vision and cast their support to his effort to be elected to the General Board of the Church of God in Christ, a heartfelt well done!! Bishop Green will continue to work with church leadership for change.... God bless you all. Committee to Elect Bishop Charlie Green Jr.
In 1935 There was a great move of the Spirit of God on the hearts of men everywhere. Here in Kennett, Missouri, The people of God started coming together as a church. They asked Elder Eugene Hudson to be their pastor, making him the first pastor of the Church of God in Christ, Kennett, commonly known as the "sanctfied church." They met in a house. They continued to seek the Lord in this house until Elder Hudson became ill. Elder Hudson resigned in the same year, 1935. The church not only lost a pastor, they also lost a place to worship. But the bretheren were determined not to let satan have the victory. They talked with Elder Joe White about becoming pastor and he accepted. It was still 1935, Elder White built the first church, a small simple building, the saints began to increase in numbers. The devil raise his head again, and the church split, but, the majority of the saints stayed with the vision, determined to please God....... The church found itself without a pastor or a place to worship for the second time, all in the year of 1935! The saints layed claim to a vacant piece of land which was actually two lots. There they put up a brush-harbor and begain to have church meetings. This was the fall of 1935. They had revival after revival. The church increased.... The land was purchased by the saints for a sum of $70.00. Winter came and it became too cold to meet under the brush-harbor. The saints began to pray to God. The year is 1936. Elder E. Welch Moved to Kennett. He began to worship with the saints, and became the third pastor. Elder Welch was a seasoned carpenter and went to work on a new church. The saints outgrew it, after one year, it was enlarged. Elder Welch served the church until 1939 when he resigned. The saints again went before the Lord concerning a pastor for the church. After tarring before the Lord one year, God called Elder Charles Johnson. The year was 1941. Eld. Johnson's pastorate lasted until 1943 when he resigned. Assistant pastor Duril Holland stood in until early 1944, when Elder Moses Boles of Wyatt, Mo. became pastor. Elder Boles pastored for one year. In 1945, Overseer Elder B. Bostic of St. Louis, Mo. sent Eld. M. Bennett to pastor the church. He resigned after one year. In 1946 Elder King Gillespie pastored, he also resigned after one year. God began to elevate and stabilize the church. He sent "the renown" evangelist and radio preacher, Elder B.B. Gillespie. Elder B.B. labored in this vineyard from 1947 until 1966, totaling almost 20 years. Elder B.B. Gillespie resigned and relocated in 1966. In late 1966, Bishop Columbus Williams came to the church accompanied by Elder Norris T. Pullen. Elder Pullen accepted the church and the church accepted him. He was installed as pastor. The church was in very poor condition when Elder Norris T. arrived. There was great work to be done. Mother Isadore Rainey, now 91 years old, remembers the words of a prophecy given through the mother of "The Esteemed" Mother St. Carrie Dinwiddie, saying: "If we work with this pastor (Eld. Norris T.) we would have a new church." The prophecy came to pass, the new church was built. God gave Eld Norris T. Pullen a complete vision, including the blueprints and plans for the new sanctuary. There were some obstacles, but the vision was complete in Elder Pullen and a dedicated membership team composed of some of the great leaders in Southeast Missouri. Among these were: Then assistant pastor Limmie D. Pulliam, now superintendent, along with his wife Missionary Virgie M. Pulliam, now supervisor. Also Missionary Isadore Rainey, now church mother. We also remember the great saints that have gone on to be with the Lord: Eld. John W. Pulliam and Deacon Lelon Pulliam. These are just a few names of those who supported Eld. Norris T's effort. Mother Rainey recalls how the Pastor sat on the floor for hours at a time putting the hardwood flooring together piece by piece, truely a labor of love. The church was the first of its type for Blacks in the Kennett area. It was constructed mostly by the members and donated labor from members of the community. It also has a basement which contains the fellowship hall and kitchen, a very spacious area. The building was completed in 1969.......HALLELUJAH!!!! The new sanctuary was the first step into the modern era for the Church of God in Christ in Kennett. Continuing to move the church in innovative ways, Elder Norris T. recieved the name "Victory Temple" as the new name for the church, and so, in 1982 the "Sanctified Church" became know as Victory Temple Church of God in Christ.......HALLELUJAH!!! Victory Temple prospered under the leadership of Elder Norris T until his health failed. He stepped down as pastor in 1996, honored by Saints throughout the area, having withstood the trials and test, endured the fiery darts of the enemy for 30 years as leader of Victory Temple......HALLELUJAH!!!! Bishop Charlie Green, Jr., Prelate of Missouri Southeast Third Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ, of which Victory Temple assigned, installed as the new pastor, a dedicated man of God, Elder Elisha Pullen, the son of Elder Norris T. Elder Elisha is the current pastor. May God continue to abide with Victory Temple, its Leaders and Members.
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