Preparing people with the word of God. Reaching out with spirit- filled lives to encourage disciples for Christ; preaching His gospel to our community and world.
Hear sermons at , approximately 10 minutes.
Hear music from services at , 30 minutes of live recorded music.
Watch on Local Cable TV , Cogeco cable ch 10, Wednesday at 11 am to 11:30 , & Sunday at 12 noon to 12:30 .
Watch TV Video at , 30 minutes of serene photos with live recorded music. Also available on Youtube at ( please copy and paste link into browser to view)
SEARCH ..... Youtube first baptist church brockville .........
Check out our Denominational Link at: BCOQ link
CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED If you have a voice to share you are encouraged to contact our Organist and choir director. Practices will commence again in September 2018 .
Established 1844, First Baptist Church , Brockville, has an enduring membership of less than one hundred in 2018 . We welcome new members of like faith; visit to know more . Please Download This We Believe for further study.
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